Reimbursement Application Guide

***Please register a church account before using the reimbursement system
The only requirement of using the system is that all brothers and sisters must register an account through our church website. If you have not yet registered, please go to for obtaining a church account.

From now on, the church began to provide online reimbursement applications. The application system is simple to use and consists of three parts:

  1. Brothers or/and sisters fill in the reimbursement application form online according to the requirements;
  2. The application form will be automatically sent to the responsible brothers/sisters in charge of the service through email for verification and approval;
  3. The approved application form will be sent to the financial co-workers by email, and reimburse according to the information filled in after verification;

Standard Operating Procedure

  1. Brothers and sisters apply for reimbursement
    1. Use your username and password to log in to the church website
    2. Click the menu Expense ➡️ REQUEST A REIMBURSEMENT
    3. Fill in the required information according to the form requirements
    4. Upload relevant documents such as receipts
    5. Submit an application
    6. The summary of your application will be notified via email. Please check whether the email is classified as spam
  2. Responsible brothers’ and/or sisters’ approve the application
    1. Check the email for the reimbursement application; the email might be classified as spam.
    2. Use your username and password to log in to the church website
    3. Click the menu Expense ➡️ PENDING APPLICATIONS
    4. If you do not see a pending application after logging in, it means that another co-worker has approved the reimbursement and you no longer need to take any action
    5. Confirm that you have checked and accepted the purchased items or services
    6. Confirm that the application meets the requirements (it is the need of the church, with the consent of brothers and sisters etc)
    7. Confirm that the amount matches the receipt
    8. Prove or reject the application. Please add a reason if you reject it;
  3. Financial staff make a payment
    1. Same as above steps 2.1 to 2.4
    2. Verify the declared amount and the attached receipt
    3. Verify that the applicant’s payment information is accurate
    4. Pay the check and fill in the relevant information in the Code column